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Variações Climáticas e Oscilações de Elementos Meteorológicos em Barbalha, CE, Notas de estudo de Meteorologia

Este estudo investiga as variações climáticas na cidade de barbalha, no estado do ceará, analisando as fluctuações de temperatura, umidade relativa e chuva mensais e anuais durante o período de 1973 a 2013. O objetivo é entender as mudanças climáticas atuais e futuras, contribuindo para a tomada de decisões em setores agrícolas e econômicos locais. O estudo utiliza dados meteorológicos obtidos da estação meteorológica convencional de barbalha, fornecidos pelo instituto nacional de meteorologia (inmet).

Tipologia: Notas de estudo


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Baixe Variações Climáticas e Oscilações de Elementos Meteorológicos em Barbalha, CE e outras Notas de estudo em PDF para Meteorologia, somente na Docsity! ISSN: 1984-5529 Jaboticabal v.44, n.4, p.464–470, 2016 464 Scientific Note Oscillations of meteorological elements and their climate variations in the municipality of Barbalha – CE Oscilações dos elementos meteorológicos e suas variações climáticas no município de Barbalha – CE Rigoberto Moreira de MATOS1; Patrícia Ferreira da SILVA2; Raimundo Mainar de MEDEIROS3; José DANTAS NETO4 1Doutorando em Engenharia Agrícola; Universidade Federal de Campina Grande – UFCG , 2Autor para correspondência; Doutoranda em Engenharia Agrícola; Universidade Federal de Campina Grande – UFCG, Departamento de Irrigação e Drenagem, Laboratório de Irrigação e Drenagem - LEID; Avenida Aprígio Veloso, 882 , campus I, UFCG, Bloco CM, 1°. Andar, Caixa Postal 10078, CEP 58429-140, Campina Grande, PB, Brasil 3Doutor em Meteorologia; Universidade Federal de Campina Grande – UFCG, 4Professor Doutor; Universidade Federal de Campina Grande – UFCG; Recebido em: 04-07-2014; Aceito em: 21-07-2016 Abstract The impact of climatical variability, even within the normal range, can have significant representation in agricultural activities. Thus, the aim of this study was to analyze climate variability in Barbalha, State of Ceará (CE), focusing on the variations as a means to understand future climate change, in order to analyze the climatic variables that influence agriculture. For this research we used data of maximum air temperature, relative air humidity and total rainfall monthly and yearly in the period 1973-2013, the Conventional Meteorological Station belonging to INMET, city Barbalha - CE. The data showed variations in the temperature of maximum annual air showed great variation among the studied period, also it appears that the relative humidity is being incremented along the series studied, which may be related to increasing temperature. The years with the lowest relative humidity were the years of 1981 and 1983 and the larger 2009 and 2011 were years related to the effects El Niño and La Niña. Fluctuations of meteorological elements and its climatic changes Barbalha - CE contributes significantly to the knowledge of the climatic situation of the municipality aiding decision making in agricultural crops and other economic sectors in the municipality partners. Additional keywords: agricultural activities; El Niño; La Niña; semiarid. Resumo O impacto da variabilidade climática, mesmo dentro da normalidade, pode ter representações significativas nas atividades agrícolas. Assim, objetivou-se com o presente estudo analisar a variabilidade climática em Bar- balha - CE, enfocando as variações como um meio para compreender futuras mudanças climáticas, tendo em vista analisar as variáveis climáticas que influenciam na agricultura. Para realização desta pesquisa, utilizou-se de dados de temperatura máxima do ar, umidade relativa do ar e totais pluviométricos mensais e anuais, no período de 1973 a 2013, da Estação Meteorológica Convencional pertencente ao INMET, da cidade de Bar- balha - CE. Os dados evidenciaram variações na temperatura do ar máxima anual e demonstraram grande variação entre o período estudado. Verifica-se, ainda, que a umidade relativa do ar está sendo incrementada ao longo da série estudada, fato que pode estar relacionado com o aumento da temperatura. Os anos com menor umidade relativa foram os anos de 1981 e 1983, e os de maiores foram 2009 e 2011, anos relaciona- dos com os efeitos El Niño e La Niña. As oscilações dos elementos meteorológicos e suas modificações cli- máticas de Barbalha – CE, contribuíram de forma significativa para o conhecimento da situação climática do município, auxiliando na tomada de decisão nos cultivos agrícolas e nos demais setores socioeconômicos do munícipio. Palavras-chave adicionais: atividades agrícolas; El Niño; La Niña; semiárido. Introduction The Brazilian semiarid region is one of the largest, most populous and wetter in the world, situated in the central portion of the Northeast region, in whole or in part, 1,133 municipalities, nine states in an area of approximately 969,589.4 km2 and 21 millons of inhab- itants. Its typical ecological conditions are represented Científica, Jaboticabal, v.44, n.4, p.464-470, 2016 ISSN: 1984-5529 465 in ecoregions where the predominant vegetation is the caatinga (Cirilo, 2008). According to the (IPECE, 2009) the Ceará semiarid region has the characteris- tics of a climate with average annual temperatures between 26 and 28 °C, higher insolation to 3000 h year-1, relative humidity around 65%, annual rainfall below 800 mm, shallow soils and predominantly crys- talline substrate. Climate changes are changes that occur in the general climate of planet earth, and are produced in different time scales in one or more meteorological factors such as: maximum and minimum temperatures, rainfall, ocean temperatures, cloudiness, humidity air, promoting impact on the lives of current and future generations (IPCC, 2007). Variability is one of the most popular elements of climate dynamics, the impact of this variability, even within the expected can have a significant impact on human activities. But it is noteworthy that the abnor- malities may disrupt both the environmental system, and the socioeconomic (Queiroz & Costa, 2012). Studies prepared by Pinto et al. (2003) show that climate variability in Brazil, depending on the region analyzed, can cause continuous changes in meteor- ological elements (precipitation, wind, air temperature and relative humidity). The spatial and temporal variations are char- acteristics to weather and climate, the first is a feature that should be studied in greater detail and in different chronological scales. Because these studies will allow the climate of knowledge in the past, present and even make projections for future climate situations, from models (Queiroz & Costa, 2012; Todisco & Vergni, 2008). The dynamics of the hydrological cycle in the basin can be better understood by the simple water balance (BHS) or climatic water balance (BHC). The studies of the water balance are employed in numer- ous activities, such as the determination of irrigation intervals in predicting agricultural productivity, time of sowing and harvesting, climate classification, among other various activities involving the management and planning water resources (Vestena & Lange, 2008). The visualization to trends of climate change on weather time series, and represents important scientific data, is characterized as a need to establish the effect of climate change on climate dynamics, key to the future planning of water resources, human health and production foods (Obregón & Marengo, 2007). The attempt to identify the climatic variability in weather records is of paramount importance to the socioeconomic studies, since it can present trends, visualization of future scenarios for a better under- standing of climate dynamics. In this context, there is consensus that changes in climate have direct and significant impact on crops, ecosystems and socioeconomic factors, whose variability results in multiple impacts, often even irreversible. Thus, the aim of the present study to ana- lyze climate variability in Barbalha - CE, focusing on the changes as a means to understand future climate change and in order to analyze the climatic variables that influence agriculture. Material and methods Location of the study area The municipality of Barbalha is located in the state of Ceará, representing an area of 479,184 km2, ie 0.34% of the state of Ceará. His position is between the parallels 7 19' 18" south latitude and between the meridians 39º 18' 07" west longitude. Inserted in the middle region South of the Ceara State, in the Cariri micro limits with the municipalities of Crato, Juazeiro and Missão Velha (Figure 1). It has a population of 55,373 inhabitants according to IBGE (2010), and a population density of 115, 56 inhabitants per km2 (IPECE, 2009). According to Köppen the climate is Bsh type, the rains begin around the first half of December, increases in volume in the first days of January and lasts until May, being the wettest quarter of February, March and April (Vianello & Alves, 1991). Provocateurs rain factors in the municipality are formations of insta- bility lines on the coast, transported into the trade winds from the southeast / northeast, development of convective clusters, from the heat stored in the surface and transferred to the atmosphere, terrain, training contributions cyclonic vortices, and with the main sys- tem the position of the Intertropical Convergence Zone ITCZ (Molion & Bernardo, 2002). Besides having an irregular annual average rainfall distribution (1061.9 mm). Climate variability from one region exerts important influence on various socio- economic activities, especially in agricultural production. As the climate consists of a set of integrated elements crucial for life, this becomes relevant, since its configura- tion can facilitate or hinder the fixation of man and the development of its activities in the various regions of the planet (Soares & Ribeiro, 2006). Physiographic features The relief is formed by a plateau, represented by the “Chapada do Araripe” and some mountains among which stand out the Serra Cruzeiro, Boca da Mata, Boa Vista and Serra Portal. The culmination is the cut of the cruise with 1,100 m of altitude. The rest of the city is flattened characterizing the hinterland region (Soares & Ribeiro, 2006). The vegetation is very diverse, with areas of caatinga and cerrado. Within its area is the Araripe National Forest (Brandão et al., 2012). According to Soares & Ribeiro (2006), hydrog- raphy is formed by a river, the River Garden, Dry peri- odically by streams: Jacundá, Porcos, Gravatá and Boca da Mata. Of the Chapada foot there is the upwelling of groundwater in the form of beautiful foun- tains of crystalline water are a major tourist attraction. The sources totaled 72, these 30 dried 22 are currently with their reduced flow rates and only 20 remain unchanged; among which the best known are: Boca da Científica, Jaboticabal, v.44, n.4, p.464-470, 2016 ISSN: 1984-5529 468 Table 2 - Maximum relative humidity and absolute minimum and monthly and annual historical average in the municipality of Barbalha - CE, in the 1973-2013 period.. Parameters /Months Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Yearly Absolute maximum relative humidity 85.8 93.2 88.8 91.0 88.1 82.8 79.0 74.1 70.6 76.2 83.2 77.9 82.1 Historical average 71.6 78.1 81.0 80.0 74.9 67.6 62.5 55.5 50.6 52.3 55.5 60.7 66.0 Absolute minimum relative humidity 58.3 65.2 73.1 71.6 58.1 53.0 46.2 40.6 38.4 37.0 40.7 46.8 55.0 The relative humidity for the series of 40 years of the municipality of Barbalha - CE is in Figure 3b. It is observed that the lower relative humidity of the air were observed in the years 1981 and 1983 corresponding to 55.00% and 55.67%, respectively. This is related to the interannual variability of the northeastern semiarid climate that is worthy of great attention, because after a period of severe drought from 1982 to 1983 due to El Niño which the main one consequence of the change in rainfall patterns, both in terms of rainfall as the change in standard time, which affects the crop from planting to harvest (Santos, 2006). For the larger relative humidity (RH) were rec- orded in 2009 and 2011 with 79.45% and 82.11%, with increased humidity trend over the historical series, Figure 3b. It is observed that this fact be related to the return of the phenomenon La Niña 2009 and 2011, years that showed changes in temperature of the Cen- tral Pacific waters ranging from low intensity to moder- ate in the period with the formation of negative dipole phenomenon Atlantic which was pretty intense, they contributed to the occurrence of many rains that were accompanied by floods including the semiarid north- east (Marengo et al., 2011). Medeiros et al. (2013) studied the climatic water balance and climatic classification for banana producing area in the municipality of Barbalha - CE, noted that in 1994; 2005; 2006; 2007; 2008; 2009; 2010 and 2011 the highest levels of moisture of the air and the years 1998 and 1999 as the lower rates of said parameter being studied, and the average relative humidity of the study area is less than the annual aver- age of 80%. (a) (b) Figure 3 – Relative air humidity (RH): (a) Absolute maximum, mean absolute and absolute minimum and (b) yearly, in Barbalha - CE, in the 1973-2013 period. The monthly average absolute maximum and absolute minimum rainfall in the city of Barbalha - CE, the historic series covering the period from 1973 to 2013, is in Figure 4a. They are checked and larger average absolute minimum and maximum rainfall in the months from January to March; It is the lowest observed in the months of June to October. The total monthly rainfall is the total amount of rainfall that occurred in the course of a month, in millimeters. It can be considered that there are two seasons: the rainy and dry. This rainy season (January to May) is respon- sible for approximately 85% of rains in the city. According to Santos & Silva (2012) in May the rainy season has started to slow, the dry season inten- sifies and the water stored in the soil clearly decreases, causing the water deficit in the soil and requiring irriga- Científica, Jaboticabal, v.44, n.4, p.464-470, 2016 ISSN: 1984-5529 469 tion on crops, this setting reflects the importance of the study of the rainy spatiotemporal distribution. In addi- tion, knowledge of this feature can guide decisions on the necessary measures to minimize the damage from irregular rainfall. The annual rainfall of the series from 1973 to 2913, in Figure 4b. It appears that the year of highest rainfall was in 1985 with 1976.20 mm and the lowest in 1982 with 522.90 mm, the historical average of about 1,000 mm of rainfall. Rainfall is a key attribute in the analysis of tropical climates, reflecting the performance of the main atmospheric circulation currents (Almeida & Silva, 2004; Almeida & Pereira, 2007;. Paula et al., 2010). The annual average rainfall is 1075.8 mm, and can be divided into two periods. A rainy, between the months of December to May, with monthly fluctuations in their rates fluctuating between 42.8 to 227.1 mm, with a total of 962.5 mm, which corresponds to 89.46% of the total accumulated and a period less rain between the months of June to November, with a total of 113.3 mm which corresponds to 10.53% of the total (Medeiros et al., 2013) corroborating the results obtained in this study. (a) (b) Figure 4 - Average rainfall absolute maximum and absolute minimum (a) historical annual precipitation (b) in Barbalha - CE, 1973-2013 period. The northeastern semiarid region is charac- terized by the occurrence of low rainfall, irregular (spa- tial and temporal) of frequent droughts, and usual occurrence of high intensity and short duration events, devoid of volume flow of water from rivers, this may be explained in function of the temporal variability of pre- cipitation and geological characteristics dominant in addition to the active weather systems (Silva et al., 2013; Santos et al., 2014). Conclusion The month of October was the one that showed the highest temperature 36.1; 34.6 and 31.6 °C and lower absolute relative humidity 37% for the series from 1973 to 2013 in the city of Barbalha - - CE; The historical average temperature was higher than 27 °C. The years with smaller relative humidity were 1981 and 1983 and the highest were 2009 and 2011, years related to the effects of El Niño and La Niña. The average precipitation in the municipality of Barbalha - CE for the series between the years 1973-2013 is 1061.9 mm year-1. The municipality of Barbalha - CE has two distinct seasons: rainy season, between the months of January to May; dry period between the months of June to December. The oscillations of meteorological elements and its climatic changes of Barbalha - CE contributes significantly to the knowledge of the climatic situation of the municipality assisting in decision making on agri- cultural crops and other economic partners sectors of the County. Acknowledgments The authors thank CAPES (Higher Educa- tion Personnel Improvement Coordination) and the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), the granting of scholarships. 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